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Top 5 Twitter Accounts for Cryptocurrency Investors

Though cryptocurrency entered the scene back in 2009 with the launch of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and ICO’s are still an unknown subject to many.  To get you up to speed, we previously published a list of the top cryptocurrency blogs.  But in case that didn’t satisfy your cravings for information on Bitcoin and its successors and derivatives, check out these top 5 Twitter accounts that focus on cryptocurrency:

Cointelegraph- @Cointelegraph is an independent publication that covers all the latest news on everything in relation to cryptocurrency, blockchain as well as the next gen web. Their feed will help you understand and form your own opinions of cryptocurrency with precise coverage.

Nicolas Cary:  @niccary is cofounder of Blockchain, the world’s leading Bitcoin software company.  Nic is also cofounder of, a wallet for bitcoin cryptocurrency.  His Twitter feed is a mix valuable bitcoin information and personal viewpoints.

Bitcoin Magazine: @BitcoinMagazine is a news and print publisher that specializes in digital currency. Their Twitter feed shares up-to-date information about all things digital currency. This feed will keep you ahead of the game on all the latest and greatest.

Peter Todd: @petertoddbtc is a Bitcoin developer and is known for his work and research on how to better understand the use of blockchain technology.  Peter’s feed includes information on the future of blockchain technology as well as personal insights.

Charlie Lee: @SatoshiLite is a self-described cryptocurrency enthusiast and former Google employee. He is the founder of Litecoin, an open-source, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency inspired by Bitcoin.  His Twitter feed shares info about Litecoin and other open-source cryptocurrencies.

If you’re a novice or already up to date on this growing trend, this list is a great start to get valuable information on the go!


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