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Top 5 Reasons You Should Join a TEN Capital Network Investor Reverse Pitch and Startup Pitch Event

This year as TEN Capital Network turns 10 we’ve decided to branch out and hold events across the US. This year we’ve had events in Austin, New York City, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston and upcoming in Seattle and Chicago. We are passionate about what we do and these events are a great way to keep the startup community connected.

INVEST: Find a great startup to back – all startups at TEN events are pre-screened for fundability.

PITCH: Let the community know what makes you a valuable asset as an investor. Come out and speak about your fund, yourself or even what makes you tick as an investor!

SHARE: Share your investing experience and give back to the community with your feedback. Use your voice to set out a challenge you’d like to see a startup overcome to be successful.

LEARN: Learn the ins and outs of new industry sectors and expand your horizons. The industry is constantly moving and evolving- come out and learn more about the possibilities.

NETWORK: Grow your network and meet investors and up-and-coming founders. There is nothing better than having an extensive network of
peers and colleagues. Come out and meet and greet!

View a full list of TEN Capital Events

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