Startup Funding

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TEN Capital Network- Funding as a Service (FaaS)

As the business world moves to a service economy, everything becomes a service – even fundraising. Traditionally, those who start a business must raise their own funding. At later stages of the company, service firms provide investor relations programs but the cost is high and their services are targeted at investors in publicly traded stocks for the most part.

The startup CEO, more than anyone needs support in finding investors, introducing the deal, and keeping the investor up to date with the progress. Closing the round is yet another challenge in chasing investors for signatures and checks.

Brokers are often used at the Series B stage and later but rarely at the Seed and Series A stage as investors expect the startup CEO to lead the raise rather than outsource it entirely.

TEN Capital innovates by providing “Funding as a Service” to early stage companies. We help the CEO raise funding by sourcing investors, making introductions, tracking interest, and following up with updates and investor documents.

More specifically, TEN Capital provides:

  • Warm introductions to investors
  • Consistent update campaign to the prospective investors
  • Coaching on terms sheets and due diligence documents
  • Assistance in closing the investment – including chasing the investors for signatures and checks
  • Tools including a data room
  • Online and phone support for the duration of the campaign
  • All for one monthly fee with no long term contract or backend fee.

The CEO leads the fundraise but now has support for the difficult parts of the fundraise process – finding investors, making contact, following up, and closing the round. 

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